Author Guidelines
Conditions and procedure for submission of articles
We accept research articles for publishing in online journal «Journal of Innovations and Sustainability» on a continual basis. The Editorial Board accepts for publication articles written in English, Ukrainian or Bulgarian.
Submission preparation checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
The author presents an original manuscript. The article has not been published before and is not currently under consideration in another journal.
The author is responsible for the novelty and reliability of the results of scientific research.
The author guarantees the correct composition of the list of co-authors of the work who have made a significant intellectual contribution to the preparation of the presented work.
The author guarantees that in case of using fragments of other works and/or borrowing statements of other authors, the article contains the relevant bibliographic references with the obligatory indication of the author and the original source.
The manuscript does not contain excessive borrowing, and plagiarism in any form, including unmarked quotations, paraphrasing or appropriating rights to the results of other people's research, which are unethical and unacceptable actions.
The author guarantees the absence of conflicts of interest that may affect the results of the study or their interpretation.
All materials in format and content meet the requirements of the journal.
Article submission and publication process
For an article to be considered for publication in the journal you need to:
- Fill in the information about the author. If an article has been prepared through the joint efforts of several authors you need to fill in a form about each contributor.
- Send file with the text of manuscript (in English or Ukrainian or Bulgarian), laid out according to the requirements for the design and structure.
All manuscript papers, together with form for the authors, should be sent by e-mail to or Manuscripts will only be accepted for consideration if it complies with the applicable requirements and topics of the journal. The manuscript will only be accepted if you have submitted an appropriate e-mail address.
Before the publication all articles are reviewed by leading domestic and foreign experts in related branches of science.
The editor-in-chief takes the final decision to publish the manuscript after considering its relevance, novelty, scientific importance and the reliability of the data. The editor will not give permission to publish the manuscript if there are reasonable grounds to conclude that plagiarism has occurred.
The editorial board of the «Journal of Innovations and Sustainability» within two weeks after the approval of the manuscript will place the articles on the official website of the publication – Metadata on the published articles is placed in scientometric databases.
The requirements for the structure and the design of articles
Authors should use and format their articles in English, Ukrainian or Bulgarian.
Requirements for the design and structure of the text:
- Articles should be Word file A4 (210 x 297 mm) with 2 cm margins on all sides, 1 cm indentation and single-spaced. The articles should normally be from 10 pages.
- Font – Times New Roman, size – 14.
- The following information is provided at the beginning of the article:
- The title of the article
- Name and surname of the author
- The official name of the institution; country
- ORCID of the author
- The article should contain an annotation 12 font size. For Ukrainian language articles the abstract should be provided in English and Ukrainian. For English and Bulgarian Language articles abstracts should be provided in English – more than 1800 characters, considering spaces. An abstract should identify the purpose of the paper, information about the content of the core idea of paper and provide a brief overview of the results obtained in the research. Please format the abstract as separate paragraphs: (1) Purpose, (2) Results, (3) Scientific novelty (4) Practical value.
- Key words.
- The main text should be structured as follows:
- Introduction
- Review of literature
- Methodology
- Results and discussion
- Conclusions
- Limitations and future research
- References
Requirements for references and links to them
References to literary sources are numbered sequentially, in the order of their citation in the text of the article. References should be designed in APA style (example of design: The list of references should consist of at least 20 sources.
Requirements for tables, figures and formulas
The number should be on the right (e.g. Table 1) and followed by the name, all of which should be placed above the table with center alignment and in bold text. The placement of tables and figures in album format is not desirable.
Illustrations, such as figures and formulas, should also be numbered and named (e.g. Figure 2. The model of sustainable development).
Text in tables and figures should be in Times New Roman, size 12, although, in exceptional cases, the font size can be smaller.
The author should always show the source of the information used after each figure and table (e.g. Source: calculated by the author) with indent and in font size 12.
Formulas should be performed using the integrated formula editor MS Equation, presented with italics, with a center alignment, and numbered on the right side.
We kindly ask you to follow all requirements for registration of articles. When all of the above requirements are met, please submit your article.
The publisher is not responsible for the errors, which are the results of the authors’ oversight. The author bears full responsibility for a content of an article.