Strategic directions of the economic recovery of post-war Ukraine




financing, strategic directions, post-war recovery, international financial institutions, ensuring effective use of potential, economy of Ukraine.


Purpose. The purpose of the study is to determine the challenges to the functioning of the economy of Ukraine caused by the military aggression of the Russian Federation, to substantiate the priority measures and strategic directions of the economic recovery of post-war Ukraine.

Results. The article analyzes the losses of the economy of Ukraine. It is substantiated that the mobilization of financial resources for the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine should take place according to the principles of system, continuity and balance. The main determinants of the medium-term and long-term strategy of rebuilding the Ukrainian economy have been formed. Based on the use of an integrated approach, the priorities and sources of funding for the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine were determined. The role of the G7 countries and the EU, the leading international financial institutions, in ensuring the effective use of the potential of the Ukrainian economy for its post-war reconstruction and adaptation to the modern dynamic conditions of the European environment is defined. It was determined that the coordination of the Ukrainian and European development strategies will contribute to the emergence of second-order effects – synergistic effects.

Scientific novelty of the obtained results is as follows: it has been proven that in the field of financing the medium-term recovery strategy of Ukraine, it is necessary to rely on the funds of foreign donors in the form of grants, aid from charitable funds, free financing (the primary direction is financing of the innovative agricultural sector); to ensure the modernization of the country, which is subject to the long-term strategy of post-war recovery, the sources of financing are the attraction of foreign capital, direct foreign investments.

Practical value. The obtained research results can be used to develop the main directions of the Program for the post-war economic revival of Ukraine, taking into account the identified priorities and sources of funding.


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How to Cite

Lemishko О., Davydenko, N., & Shevchenko, A. (2022). Strategic directions of the economic recovery of post-war Ukraine. Journal of Innovations and Sustainability, 6(2), 09.



Economic sciences