Methodology for assessing damages and losses caused by the armed aggression to the land fund and soils: problems and directions of improvement
damage, losses, soil resources, armed aggression, soil degradation.Abstract
Purpose. The purpose of the research, the results of which are presented in this article, is to identify problems and justify directions for improving the methodology for assessing damages and losses caused by the armed aggression of the russian federation to the land fund and soils of Ukraine.
Results. The possible impacts of military operations on land resources and soil degradation as a result of armed aggression and hostilities during martial law are summarized. The main weaknesses of the current (1) Methodology for determining the damage and losses caused to the land fund of Ukraine as a result of the armed aggression of the russian federation, and (2) Methodology for determining the amount of damage caused to land and soil as a result of emergency situations and/or armed aggression and hostilities during martial law have been identified. The methodological bases for determining the losses caused to land and soil as a result of armed aggression and hostilities have been developed, including key proposals for improving current methodologies.
Scientific novelty. The provisions regarding the methodological foundations for determining the losses caused to land and soil as a result of armed aggression and hostilities during martial law were further developed. One of the first attempts was made to substantiate key proposals for improving the current methodologies for determining the damage and losses caused by armed aggression to the land fund and soils.
Practical value. The results of the study can be used by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine, the State Environmental Inspectorate of Ukraine and other interested parties to improve (1) Methodology for determining the damage and losses caused to the land fund of Ukraine as a result of the armed aggression of the russian federation, and (2) Methodology for determining the amount of damage caused to land and soil as a result of emergency situations and/or armed aggression and hostilities during martial law, as well as for estimating the amount of said losses.
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