Directions for ensuring the sustainability of rural tourism in Ukraine




sustainable development, sustainable development of tourism, tourism, rural tourism, rural hospitable estate.


Purpose. The purpose of the research is to identify and systematize the existing theoretical and practical experience in implementing aspects of sustainable development in the field of rural tourism and to identify directions for ensuring the sustainability of rural tourism in Ukraine based on it.

Results. The article examines the peculiarities of rural tourism within the framework of the concept of sustainable development in general and sustainable development of tourism in particular, revealing the relationship between sustainable rural tourism and sustainable rural development. Three main levels of ensuring the sustainability of rural tourism have been identified – the level of the tourist unit (rural hospitable estate), the community level and the state level, the existing domestic and foreign experience has been analyzed and tools for ensuring the sustainability of rural tourism at each of the levels have been provided. Directions for enhancing the sustainability of rural hospitable estates according to the global Sustainable Development Goals have been highlighted. An algorithm of actions of the estate owner for the implementation of aspects of sustainability in the activities of the rural hospitable estate has been proposed, which includes: setting the goal; assessing the current state of sustainability aspects; determining priority directions, and developing a long-term strategy and operational activity plan; implementation of primary sustainability solutions; exploring opportunities for partnership and cooperation; evaluation and analysis of the results of the implementation of sustainability aspects; communication of results.

Scientific novelty. An original conceptual-and-organizational scheme for comprehensive sustainability of rural tourism has been proposed, based on the analysis of relevant domestic and foreign experience.

Practical value. The given recommendations for the introduction of sustainability aspects at the state and regional levels can be used to develop a comprehensive strategy and plans for sustainable rural tourism development. For the owners of rural hospitable estates, a specific algorithm of actions for the implementation of sustainability aspects has been proposed and the main measures for each of the 17 global Sustainable Development Goals have been highlighted.


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How to Cite

Okolovych, I. (2022). Directions for ensuring the sustainability of rural tourism in Ukraine. Journal of Innovations and Sustainability, 6(4), 01.


