Foreign and domestic experience of innovative events in the restaurant business and culinary tourism




innovation, restaurant business, culinary tourism, event activity, restaurant events, culinary events, culinary tours, basic events package, restaurant events bank, Event-menu.


Purpose. The paper aims to identify and summarize current successful practices of event activities in the restaurant business and gastronomic tourism; to improve approaches to the administration and marketing support of restaurant events.

Results. The study showed that in the restaurant business and gastronomic tourism continues the process of specialization and allocation of narrow consumer niches based on the interests and motivations of visitors; customers are increasing demands on the quality and variety of services offered. These circumstances, as well as the high level of competition in the industry, are forcing business owners to look for innovative ways to attract customers. Restaurant event activity is one such way of doing this. The foreign and domestic restaurant business has already accumulated considerable experience in developing and implementing various types of restaurant events. Nowadays, the hospitality industry offers a huge variety of event activities. The large number of unique restaurant events with different focuses makes efforts to typologize them difficult. In terms of planning the event activities of the restaurant, we can distinguish self-sufficient restaurant events, which are not recommended to be combined with other events, and modular restaurant events, which would be more attractive if combined with other event activities. When forming a bank of restaurant activities, compiling basic events packages and developing an Event-menu, you need to consider the concept of a particular restaurant, as well as external and internal environment factors.

Scientific novelty of the study lies in the clarification of promising directions for the development of event activity in restaurants. The study of the mechanism for using restaurant events as a means of increasing the appeal and brand awareness of the restaurant was further developed. Based on this analysis, the methodological approach to the formation of a bank of restaurant activities, compiling a basic package of events and the development of the Event-menu of the restaurant was improved.

Practical value of the obtained results lies in the possibility of their use in practical activities of the restaurant businesses and travel agencies specializing in culinary tourism.


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How to Cite

Yakimenko-Tereschenko, N., Anishchenko, A., Chaika, T., Vyshniakov, O., & Synko, A. (2022). Foreign and domestic experience of innovative events in the restaurant business and culinary tourism. Journal of Innovations and Sustainability, 6(4), 02.


