Accounting for the reproduction of forest resources of Ukraine during and after wartime




environmental economics, sustainable development, sustainable forestry, accounting development, forestry.


Purpose. The purpose of the article is the formation of theoretical foundations for the development of accounting in forestry enterprises in response to the challenges of the concept of sustainable development, in terms of the development of accounting support for the reproduction of forest resources of Ukraine for the purpose of their preservation and restoration during and after the wartime.

Results. The accounting system in the forest industry needs a conceptual review, as it does not reflect the real economic essence of operations that take place with forest resources. The inconsistency of the methodical provision of accounting for operations with forest resources to national and international accounting standards was revealed, as the existing method overestimates the liquidity of the company's assets. Accounting support for the reproduction of forest resources is proposed, which is based on the identification and grouping of costs for the reproduction of forest crops and contributes to the formation of complete and reliable information about the structure of the company’s assets and their liquidity. The proposals are aimed at increasing the efficiency of forest asset management based on accounting information at the stage of forest resource reproduction to accelerate their recovery during and after wartime.

Scientific novelty. For the management of forest resources based on the principles of sustainable development, it is necessary to form a new procedure for displaying information on forest use operations in the reporting of forestry enterprises. It was established that the reporting of Ukrainian enterprises in the part of forest utilization operations does not reflect the specifics of the activities of forestry enterprises and does not allow to estimate the costs of conservation, reproduction and use of forest resources.

Practical value. A procedure for disclosing information on forest use operations in reporting has been developed, which provides for the display of forest resources as part of long-term biological assets. And directions for expanding the indicators of the Notes to the annual financial statements and the information content of the Report on sustainable development in the part of forest use operations aimed at satisfying the informational interests of stakeholders of forestry enterprises are also proposed. Disclosure of information about the state and reproduction of forest resources will contribute to the reliable formation of indicators of the country’s national wealth and will allow to increase the level of investment attractiveness of domestic enterprises in the forest industry to maintain and restore their economic condition during and after wartime.


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How to Cite

Zamula, I., Lahovska, O., Shavurska, O., Tanasiieva М., & Travin, V. (2022). Accounting for the reproduction of forest resources of Ukraine during and after wartime. Journal of Innovations and Sustainability, 6(4), 03.



Economic sciences