Strategic directions for restoration of environmental security of the Polissia region in the post-war period
environmental security, environmental problems, environment, regional development, SWOT analysis, competitive advantages, sustainable development.Abstract
Purpose. The purpose of the study is to characterize the impact of environmental problems caused by the war in order to develop strategic directions for the restoration of environmental security in the Polissia region of Ukraine in the post-war period in accordance with the requirements of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Results. The ecological situation in Ukraine is a crisis, since the full-scale invasion of Russia on the territory of Ukraine from February 24, 2022 has caused enormous damage to the surrounding natural environment, as forests are being destroyed, emissions of toxic substances are increasing as a result of shelling of oil depots, gas storage facilities and chemical industry facilities outside the territory of Ukraine. A SWOT analysis of the Polissia region was conducted in order to identify the effects of the war on the state of environmental security of the region. The competitive advantages of the Polissia region of Ukraine are singled out and, taking them into account, the strategic directions of the region’s development in the post-war period are proposed.
Scientific novelty. The identification of the competitive advantages of the Polissia region of Ukraine was further developed, and on their basis, the strategic directions for the restoration of environmental security and the further development of the region in the post-war period on the basis of sustainable development were improved.
Practical value. The formed strategic directions for the restoration of environmental security of the region can be used by local authorities and business entities to solve environmental problems at the regional level during hostilities and after the victory of Ukraine.
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