Designing of the quest-tour itinerary «Early 19th century. German cultural heritage in Kharkiv»




German cultural heritage, German minority in Kharkiv, heritage tourism, creative tourism, special interest tourism, quest-tour, tour itinerary, innovations in tourism.


Purpose. The continuous evolutionary change in consumer preferences encourages the travel business to continuously look for innovative forms and techniques to meet consumer demand. There is a growing demand in the travel, tourism and hospitality sector for unique, personalized and sustainable travel. In this regard, the search for creative solutions to create highly competitive travel and sightseeing products that take into account current trends in consumer preferences is relevant. One possible avenue in this context is the creation of cultural heritage tourism products. The purpose of this study is to improve approaches to the design of cultural heritage quest-tour itineraries and to test the recommendations developed.

Results. Creative tourism plays an important role in developing and maintaining interest in cultural heritage. The creation of travel and sightseeing products based on a combination of the concepts of heritage tourism and creative tourism allows meeting the consumer demand for uniqueness, authenticity, personalization, creative involvement and self-development. It is this combination of modern, innovative types of travel and sightseeing that we consider most promising in terms of providing highly competitive, unique products. Quest-tour is a type of travel and sightseeing service, which can be successfully used in the creation of heritage tourism products in the context of modern trends of changing consumer preferences. Itinerary design techniques for heritage quest-tour should take into account the significance of the excursion sites in terms of presenting the atmosphere of the era in question; the degree of preservation of authentic excursion sites; and the amount of available factual material. In this study, we tested the technique of designing the quest-tour itinerary on the example of our developed quest-tour «Early 19th century. German cultural heritage in Kharkiv». According to the storyline, the quest-tour is about almost the earliest documented period of ethnic German life in Kharkiv.

Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the improvement of the designing technique for quest-tours of cultural heritage on the basis of overlapping the concepts of heritage tourism and creative tourism.

Practical value. The value of the study lies in the practical validation of the improved technique of designing heritage quest-tours, as well as the possibility of using the results in the practical activities of travel firms in the design of excursion products.


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How to Cite

Chaika, T. (2023). Designing of the quest-tour itinerary «Early 19th century. German cultural heritage in Kharkiv». Journal of Innovations and Sustainability, 7(1), 06.


