Ukraine – NATO international relations: current state and ways of development
Ukraine – NATO relations, national security, Euroregional security, Ukraine – NATO cooperation, hybrid war, Ukraine’s strategic orientations.Abstract
Purpose of the article was to highlight the current state and ways of development of Ukraine – NATO international relations based on the dynamics of development of cooperation for the years 1991–2023.
Results. The article analyzes in detail the dynamics of Ukraine – NATO relations for the period 1991–2023 based on the analysis of the main agreements on cooperation, the strategy and policy of the Alliance in relation to Ukraine and the National Security and Military Security Strategies of Ukraine in 2021. The authors highlights the key features and stages of Ukraine – NATO relations. Among the key features is the development of the institutional and legal basis of cooperation between states from the beginning of 1991 to 2010 to ensure cooperation in various areas: in the field of regional Euro-Atlantic security, in conflict resolution and execution of operations, in the political, economic, legal and defense spheres. Since the escalation of the conflict in the east of Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea in 2014, a new phase of relations has begun, and aspiration to join NATO is intensifying. However, the key obstacle to becoming a member is the risk of corruption in the political sphere. With the start of a full-scale war in 2022, cooperation between Ukraine and NATO is strengthening, particularly in the institutional dimension. The analysis of key strategic documents proves the consistency of the strategic orientations of NATO and Ukraine in accordance with the policies of security promotion. NATO’s strategic concept emphasizes the most reliable, integrated and coordinated approach to creating national and regional resilience against military and non-military threats and security challenges, in particular the russian federation as a key threat to international security. In the National and Military Security Strategies of Ukraine, the russian federation is also recognized as a key threat to national interests, and the main goal is defined as the comprehensive defense of Ukraine on the basis of stability, the integration of Ukraine into the Euro-Atlantic security space, and the acquisition of NATO membership. In the future, the relations between Ukraine and the member states of the Alliance will be built on the coordination of measures within the framework of the strategy of comprehensive defense, stability to promote regional security and peace.
Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty consists in the practical analysis of the Ukraine – NATO strategic partnership and the policy of the Alliance member states in relation to Ukraine. The authors compare the strategic orientations of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the National and Military Security Strategies of Ukraine to highlight prospects for the development of relations in the context of ensuring regional stability.
Practical value lies in the detailed analysis of the main agreements on cooperation, strategies and policies of the Alliance in relation to Ukraine in 2022 and the National Security and Military Security Strategies of Ukraine in 2021.
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