Features of the formation of the land use efficiency of agricultural enterprises under the conditions of the martial law
land use efficiency, economic sustainability, agrarian economy, production intensity, martial law.Abstract
Purpose. The purpose of the study is to assess the formation peculiarities of land use efficiency in agricultural enterprises of Kharkiv region under the conditions of martial law.
Results. The authors have built regression models of the dependence between the amount of income, expenses and profit per 100 hectares of agricultural land according to the data of 2020 and 2022. In 2020, an increase in the net income by UAH 1 million led to an average increase in profit by UAH 146.2 thousand, in 2022 – by UAH 204.1 thousand. An increase in the total amount of expenses by UAH 1 million per 100 hectares of agricultural land led to an average increase in net income by UAH 1,301.8 thousand in 2020, and by UAH 698.1 thousand in 2022. Comparison of the average values of profit and expenditure per 100 hectares of agricultural land according to the data for 2020 and 2022 using the Student’s t-test made it possible to establish that the average profit in 2020 was equal to UAH 546.2 thousand, while in 2022, it was equal to UAH 44.1 thousand. Such a difference makes the average disparity almost 100% reliable. This is evidenced by both the t-test value (5.067) and the reliability level of the difference in means (p = 0.000). The article established a significant difference in costs per unit of land area in 2020 and 2022. Using the Student’s t-test, we confirmed the reliability of this difference.
Scientific novelty. The conducted research shows that the military aggression of the russian federation had a significant impact on the economic efficiency of land use. In 2022, the profit and costs per unit of land area decreased significantly in agricultural enterprises in Kharkiv region. However, the amount of net income in nominal terms did not change significantly.
Practical value. The main task of the agrarian sector enterprises in the conditions of martial law should be preservation of human capital, the farming system in order to maintain the fertility of the soil as well as the material base for further development. This will make it possible to quickly restore production volumes and introduce new technologies in the period after the end of hostilities.
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