Improvement of accounting and audit of settlements with accountable persons to increase the efficiency of further control and revision




accounting, audit, accountable person, business trip, public sector, statement of expenses, calculation verification questionnaire, audit plan, audit program, audit working papers.


Purpose. The purpose of the research, the results of which are presented in this article, is to improve the methodological principles of accounting and internal audit of settlements with accountable persons in terms of business trips in the public sector to increase the effectiveness of further control and revision.

Results. On the basis of the conducted research, the analysis of subaccount 2116 «Receivables from settlements with accountable persons» is supplemented, namely 21161 «Receivables from settlements with accountable persons from the general fund», it is proposed to open additional subaccounts, which will make it possible to analyze expenses in terms of public sector employees categories. New forms of primary documents are developed, in particular, informational and analytical information according to KEKV 2250 «Business trip expenses»: statement-calculation of expenses; statement of actual expenses by business trip directions; statement of actual expenses in terms of departments, sectors, independent workers; informational and analytical report on planned and actual expenses. The process of documenting the internal audit of settlements with accountable persons in terms of business trips are improved and adapted to public sector institutions, including: questionnaire, general internal audit plan, internal audit program, working papers of the internal auditor.

Scientific novelty. For the first time, the forms of informational and analytical information on official trips and the methodology of internal audit of settlements with accountable persons, adapted to public sector institutions, are presented.

Practical value. The results of the research can be applied to improve accounting and internal audit of settlements with accountable persons in the public sector, which in turn will significantly increase the quality of information received and the level of inspections in this area.


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How to Cite

Synytsia, Y., & Poplevina, O. (2023). Improvement of accounting and audit of settlements with accountable persons to increase the efficiency of further control and revision. Journal of Innovations and Sustainability, 7(3), 06.



Economic sciences