Ukrainian business under conditions of war: current state, challenges and the ways to solve them
business, martial law, challenges of running business, state regulation of business, business entities, ways to support business.Abstract
Purpose. The purpose of the work is to determine the current state of domestic business under conditions of full-scale russian military aggression against Ukraine, paying attention to the main challenges and difficulties faced by business entities, as well as to substantiate ways to solve these problems in order to promote sustainable development of entrepreneurship.
Results. Based on the analysis of the statistical data, it is determined that the current economic situation in the country is extremely difficult; in particular, the decline in real GDP in 2022 was the largest during the period of Ukraine’s independence. A significant number of entrepreneurs suspended their activities at the beginning of the war, and most of them, a year and a half after the introduction of martial law in the country, have not yet fully resumed their work. At the same time, the results of the latest surveys indicate that business representatives continue to mitigate negative expectations regarding their own development and the dynamics of goods and services production. The challenges and obstacles domestic business entities face since the beginning of the full-scale invasion are identified, namely: the unpredictability of the development of the situation in Ukraine and in the domestic market; lack of a sufficient number of solvent customers in the domestic market; unforeseen actions of the state that can worsen the state of business; lack of sufficient capital; lack of qualified personnel, etc. It is determined that one of the main challenges today is the development and further implementation of solutions to support entrepreneurial activity in the short- and long-term perspective with the aim of further growth and expansion of business in Ukraine.
Scientific novelty. Existing problems and obstacles for the functioning of domestic business аre analyzed in detail in the article. Based on this, a list of measures is developed, the implementation of which will contribute to the improvement of the business environment and promote the development of entrepreneurship in Ukraine. It is substantiated that the effectiveness of the implementation of the measures outlined in the article will depend on the joint efforts of entrepreneurs, the state, the public, and international partners.
Practical value. The implementation of the measures proposed in the article for stimulation the business activity of domestic entrepreneurs, in particular comprehensive programs of financial support, the provision of tax incentives, faster infrastructure restoration, the development of special programs for SMEs, the attraction of investments in new industries and innovative projects and others – all these are necessary condition for further successful and systematic socio-economic development of Ukraine.
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