Influence of the global integrated energy model on the motivation of energy saving in the management of the organization’s development strategy




global integrated energy model, motivation, energy saving, management, organization development strategy, sustainable development.


Purpose. The purpose of the study is to determine the influence of the global integrated energy model on the motivation of energy conservation in the management of the organization’s development strategy.

Results. The article proves that the prerequisites of the innovative strategy for overcoming the energy crisis were reflected in draft laws and normative legislative acts and documents of Ukraine. It was concluded that, in particular, today in the state it is important to raise awareness of energy efficiency on the demand side, in particular, of organizations of various forms of ownership. It is updated that the current crisis has made the general public aware of the problems and the need to solve them, as well as to face the challenges that this problem poses in their daily lives, which is a very good time for the government of Ukraine to start an information campaign while all the attention is focused on the current situations It has been proven that there is an urgent need for Ukraine to develop an effective comprehensive and innovative strategy to overcome the energy crisis/problem to ensure economic stability, development and political stability in both the short and long term. It is noted that not the government of Ukraine, but also each individual organization, plays an important role in ensuring environmental policy and energy stability through the promotion of energy saving strategies. For the implementation of energy efficiency at all levels, in particular in organizations of different forms of ownership, the study of three main points is actualized: awareness, motivation and compliance with energy efficiency.

Scientific novelty. The novelty consists in the actualization of the impact of the global integrated energy model on the motivation of energy saving in the management of the development strategy of organizations of various forms of ownership.

Practical value. The value of the conducted research consists in directing such messages of information ecological policy as awareness, motivation and observance of energy efficiency in organizations of various forms of ownership.


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How to Cite

Samoilyk, I., Shymanovska-Dianych, L., & Trokhymets, O. (2022). Influence of the global integrated energy model on the motivation of energy saving in the management of the organization’s development strategy. Journal of Innovations and Sustainability, 6(4), 06.



Economic sciences