Economic reproduction of the natural resource potential of agro-industrial production




resource potential of agro-industrial production, economic reproduction, economic assessment of natural resources, environmental monitoring, environmental audit.


Purpose. The goal of the study is to develop scientific and methodological approaches and practical recommendations for improving the economic mechanism of reproduction of the natural resource potential of agro-industrial production (AIP).

Results. The article substantiates the priorities for improving the reproduction of the natural resource potential of agro-industrial production on the example of Ukraine. The conceptual foundations of forming an information system for ensuring the rational use and reproduction of natural resources in the agrarian sector are highlighted in detail. The conceptual foundations of forming a system of principles, goals and criteria for information support of the processes of reproduction of the natural resource potential of AIP, the environmental and economic mechanism for managing the features of environmental and innovative development of the state are considered in more detail. For optimal redistribution of the resource component of agro-industrial production, methodological recommendations for the economic assessment of natural resources in the agrarian sector are presented. In order to ensure the rational reproduction of natural resources of the agricultural sector, the features of the economic assessment of natural resources of agro-industrial production are analyzed. The essence and content of the concept of the natural resource potential of the agricultural sector is revealed, under which it is proposed to understand a complex system of natural objects, the users of which are enterprises of agro-industrial production with existing technology and socio-economic relations, a component of the environmental and economic potential of the state. This made it possible to develop a system of information support for the reproduction of the natural resource potential of AIP based on a systematic analysis of environmental and economic relations of nature management in the agrarian sector.

Scientific novelty. The economic category of the natural resource potential of the AIP is developed in the direction of reflecting the structure and relationships between its elements; the definition of the economic assessment of natural resource elements is deepened, which is considered in the study as a criterion indicator of the comparative economic efficiency of the use and reproduction of the natural resource potential of the AIP; scientific and practical foundations of information support for economic processes of reproduction of natural resources in the agricultural sector are improved on the basis of development of an information system for expert assessment of their quality, monitoring, audit, and passport of the environmental management object.

Practical value. The results of the study are used to improve the economic mechanism of reproduction of natural resources of the agrarian sector in the region. The scientific and practical recommendations are used to determine the indicators of economic assessment of the elements of natural resources of the agrarian sector; to calculate the economic efficiency of conservation and reproduction of the natural resource potential of the agro-industrial complex; to provide financial support for regional reproduction programmes and processes; to develop tools and methods of agro-ecological regulation.


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How to Cite

Borisova, V., Zhdek, V., & Atalawei, M. E. (2023). Economic reproduction of the natural resource potential of agro-industrial production. Journal of Innovations and Sustainability, 7(3), 10.



Economic sciences