Information systems in logistics – transition challenges


  • Nikolay Dragomirov University of National and World Economy – Sofia



information systems, logistics, organizations


The implementation of information systems in business organizations does not consist of just buying software products and installing them on the servers. Most of these systems are important for the development of the organizations concerned and in some cases are very expensive. Therefore, their success requires a properly managed process of implementation, which seeks a balance between the aims of the systems and the financial and technical capabilities of the organization. The implementation problem becomes greater when the emphasis is on the logistics function in the context of the supply chain management. Last, but not least, these initiatives are related to something much more challenging, namely the adoption of the new information system by the users, which involves a change of habits in the organization. It is no secret that a new system may be rejected by its users and this will make it useless. All this requires finding adequate solutions to analyze these problems and to ensure the effective use of information systems in logistics.


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How to Cite

Dragomirov, N. (2016). Information systems in logistics – transition challenges. Journal of Innovations and Sustainability, 2(1), 45–52.



Economic sciences