The role of management in fostering startup development with venture investments
startup development, venture investments, effective management, investor-management, collaboration, strategic decision-making, new trends, sustainable growth.Abstract
Purpose. This article delves into the intricate interplay of startup development and venture investments, aiming to identify the critical role of effective management in managing startups to success. The purpose is to provide a comprehensive exploration of the startup ecosystem, venture investment dynamics, and the strategic responsibilities of management in fostering sustainable growth.
Results. Our research unfolds across distinct sections, starting with an overview of the startup ecosystem and the definition of venture investments. Real case studies show successful startups, emphasizing the symbiotic relationship between strategic funding and adept management. The strategic role of management is dissected, encompassing leadership, decision-making, and the creation of high-performance teams. Investor-management collaboration is scrutinized through detailed case analyses and an advanced table outlining key elements.
Scientific novelty. Scientific novelty lies in the the detailed study of the evolution of the role of management in the changing landscape of venture investments. New trends in startup development, combined with strategic recommendations, provide a forward-looking perspective. The article contributes to the scientific discourse by uncovering the intricate connections between investor relations, management strategies, and the success trajectory of startups.
Practical value. The practical value of this research extends to startups, management teams, and investors. The recommendations offer actionable insights, to direct startups to the development of adaptive thinking, prioritization of sustainable development and the use of technological innovations. The advanced table on investor-management collaboration serves as a practical tool for fostering transparent communication and balancing stakeholder interests. Furthermore, the outlined future research avenues beckon scholars and industry stakeholders to explore novel dimensions, ensuring continuous adaptation to the evolving landscape of venture investments and startup development.
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