Informational and digital technologies to ensure the automation of the transport and logistics processes for the service of trading channel




development, information support, information technologies, information, transport and logistics processes, means of transport, enterprise.


Purpose. The main purpose of the conducted research is to substantiate the possibilities of improving the automation of transport and logistics processes for the trading channel service based on the usage of the modern informational and digital technologies.

Results. Based on the analysis of scientific sources and available practical and methodological materials for the subject of the study, it has been highlighted the importance of the automation of the transport management for the service improvement of the trading channel specialised on the goods manufacturing. It has been indicated the importance of the usage of the modern informational and digital technologies to ensure the automation of transport and logistics processes for the maintenance of the retail channels. The main important tasks are identified to substantiate the need for creating an automated transport management system at the manufacturing enterprises. The analog model of general management of the manufacturing enterprise is presented, focusing on its main functional frames and modules with the help of their connections. Based on the results of the study, it is recommended to improve the frames of the operational management in order to introduce the transport management system. There are described the possibilities and advantages of the Transport Management System in order to administrate the orders, control its execution and management. It is defined the most widespread software in European countries and in Ukraine in order to automatise the transport management of the enterprises that deliver the carrier service to the population; it is described their purpose and functionality.

Scientific novelty. In the course of the study, an understanding of the importance of creating an automated transport management system at the enterprises, which is used to service the trading channel of the manufactured products, is developed. It is systematised the information on the modern software for automating transport and logistics processes involving road transport.

Practical value. Practical recommendations are developed for improving the transport management of enterprises for servicing the trading channel. The criteria for choosing the optimal software for the automation of transport and logistics processes to support on the maintenance of retail outlets are proposed. The results of the presented research will be useful for the top management of the corporations in the manufacturing area and in the future can be used as a practical tool for implementing the automatic systems in the transport and logistics processes of the trading channel.


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How to Cite

Sumets, O. (2024). Informational and digital technologies to ensure the automation of the transport and logistics processes for the service of trading channel. Journal of Innovations and Sustainability, 8(1), 06.



Economic sciences