Integrative function of knowledge in the system of the competitive potential of the company


  • Nedka Ivanova Nikolova Technical University – Varna



knowledge, management, competitiveness


The paper explores the integrative function of knowledge in the system of the competitive potential of the company. It argues that knowledge is the integrator of the different elements of the overall competitive potential of the company. The approach and the model of Michael Porter are analyzed in the study of knowledge as a key factor for success in the competitive struggle. The main objective is to explore approaches and models of knowledge management and best practices of their implementation in order to promote and adapt them to the conditions of Bulgarian business organizations in their striving after competitiveness increase.


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How to Cite

Ivanova Nikolova, N. (2016). Integrative function of knowledge in the system of the competitive potential of the company. Journal of Innovations and Sustainability, 2(2), 45–56.



Economic sciences