Specific features of the project initiation phase of a transport management system for servicing retail enterprises





project, initiation phase, project team, project backlog, transport management system, system functionality, enterprise, retail.


Purpose. The primary aim of this study is to describe the specific features of the project initiation phase of a transport management system (TMS) for servicing retail enterprises.

Results. Attention is focused on the significance of the features of the initiation stage in the process of developing the TMS project. The main steps of the project initiations phase are outlined. The formalisation of the project idea and primary tasks are described in detail. It is noted that during the formalising the project idea and primary tasks, the main advantages of the intellectualising freight transport to points of sale should be taken into account. The selection features of project participants are revealed, proposing their division into two groups. The first group should be responsible for formulating the functional requirements of the project, while the second group should focus on software development. The composition of the project team is substantiated. Tasks for the TMS project team members are formulated. Key performance indicators for the TMS project for retail enterprises are selected. The TMS project charter for retail enterprises is described. The charter outlines the project goals and objectives, specifying the baseline (control) functionality and the success metrics (indicators) of the project. Requirements for the operation of the TMS for retail enterprises, including user stories, are formulated. The structure of the project backlog for the TMS during the servicing of retail enterprises is described.

Scientific novelty. The study developed instructional and advisory material for the project team on the execution of the project initiation phase for a TMS during the servicing of retail enterprises, considering its specific characteristics.

Practical value. The described features of the initiation phase can be adopted as standard methodological recommendations for developing a TMS project for servicing retail enterprises. The TMS project initiation phase can serve as a model for developing similar projects for servicing different client groups.


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How to Cite

Sumets, O., & Kurbanov, D. (2024). Specific features of the project initiation phase of a transport management system for servicing retail enterprises. Journal of Innovations and Sustainability, 8(2), 03. https://doi.org/10.51599/is.2024.08.02.03



Economic sciences