Strategic objectives of logistic systems in the tourist destination development
tourism, strategic management in tourism, logistics in tourism, tourist destination, logistics of tourist destination, logistics system, sustainable development, competitiveness.Abstract
Purpose. The purpose of this study is to determine the components of tourism destination logistics and analyse its main objectives. It also aims to develop strategic objectives for logistics systems at the macro and micro levels within the destination to improve efficiency, enhance competitiveness, and promote sustainable development in the tourism market.
Results. The article, based on the analysis of scientific sources about research and information on the practical nature of the functioning of real tourist destinations, substantiates the relevance of applying a systemic approach when considering a tourist destination as an object of management and logistical tools that ensure its proper competitiveness and sustainable development. The article analyses modern conceptual approaches to understanding logistics and its components in tourism. The main alternative views on the role of logistics in tourism as a logistic factor, logistic tools and logistic support for tourist activity are highlighted. The author’s understanding of logistics within the tourist destination is presented, and its components are identified. Objectives are stated for specific components of the logistics of the tourist destination. Attention is focused on the need to synthesise the logistics of a tourist destination based on a general consideration of existing macrologistics and micrologistics concepts. The generalisation of these components presents an integrated whole of two logistic systems at both macro and micro levels. The strategic objectives of developing the tourist destination through the implementation of strategic management tools and the utilisation of logistics and marketing innovations were formulated and approved by the logistics components and levels of the logistics systems.
Scientific novelty. The hypothesis of synergistic interaction of elements of macroeconomic and microeconomic logistics systems in solving strategic tasks of development of a tourist destination is substantiated for the first time and the main effects of such interaction are determined. The author has for the first time developed strategic tasks of development of a tourist destination using scientifically based methods and tools of strategic management and introducing logistic and marketing innovations. The study improves modern conceptual approaches to understanding the place and role of logistics components in the development of a tourist destination. The content of the main tasks of tourism destination logistics within a systematic approach has been improved. The approaches to identifying the components of tourism destination logistics as a management object have been further developed.
Practical value. It is recommended for practical use by tourism logistics entities of different levels of the main objectives of the logistics of a tourist destination, which are aimed at ensuring its effective functioning, proper competitiveness, and sustainable development. Strategic objectives for the development of the tourist destination at the expense of its logistical components have been developed, which can be used in the practical activities of international, state, and local institutions and organisations, state authorities, and local governments as priorities in the implementation of projects for the creation, operation, modernisation, and development of transport, information, and other tourist infrastructure, as well as the development of global, national and local strategies for managing the operation and development of tourist destinations.
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