From nature to buildings: a biomimetic approach as an alternative against structures’ humidity issues in Jijel – Algeria




adaptation, biomimicry, building material, humidity, plants.


Purpose. This study aims to explore the plants’ potential to adjust to humid climates and understand their acclimation processes to inspire building designs and develop moisture-resistant building materials. It’s based on the top-down biomimetic approach and proposes a method for applying biological processes to architectural concepts, referring to the anatomical diagnoses of moisture-resistant plants.

Results. The study revealed that mimicking the hierarchical structuring observed in leaf venation patterns significantly improved the mechanical strength and flexibility of the biomimetic materials. The results indicated that plants had evolved several morphological and physiological adaptations and validated the importance of considering both the cuticle and stomata as essential adaptive factors in developing a biomimetic process. Plant adaptation mechanisms led to a focus on porosity, external textures, hydrophobic additives, and multilayer structures of building materials to produce compositions suitable for humid climates inspired by these principles.

Scientific novelty. This research contributes to our understanding of how plants adapt to high humidity levels and underlines the importance of adopting the principles developed by biological systems to survive and cope with changing conditions.

Practical value. This study opens insights for more resilient bio-inspired architecture that responds adaptively to humid climatic environments and highlights the significance of creating suitable building materials for different climates and those adapted for climate change.


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How to Cite

Ouroua, C., Debache, S., & Milardi, M. (2024). From nature to buildings: a biomimetic approach as an alternative against structures’ humidity issues in Jijel – Algeria. Journal of Innovations and Sustainability, 8(2), 07.


