Information security: subjectivity and artificial intelligence




globalization, global information space, information security, artificial intelligence.


Purpose. The purpose of the study is to determine the features of the use of artificial intelligence in order to strengthen the congruence of information security systems with the trends of the world information space.

Results. The peculiarities of the global information space are identified, which are the source of actualisation of the factors of scaling threats to information security and the difficulty of implementing the principles of building the information security system, compliance with the criteria of effective management. The use of artificial intelligence transforms subjectivity into a digital plane, which marks a fundamental transition from simple data aggregation to intelligent analysis, which allows not only detecting threats, but also conducting proactive searches. The use of reliable and ethical artificial intelligence strengthens information security, increases public trust and reduces uncertainty. As a technology of action and countermeasures, artificial intelligence allows increasing objectivity, speed of formation and completeness of situational awareness. The effectiveness of the use of artificial intelligence models depends on the preservation of the human component, the development of “joint cognitive systems” is the optimal balance between analysts and algorithms.

Scientific novelty. For the first time, the conceptual foundations of the development of the information security system and the factors of scaling the threat due to the primacy of the features of the global information space were analysed; the functional capabilities of artificial intelligence as an associated subject of information security, an integrative component of the effectiveness of the information security system in the globalised information space are deepened; the conceptual vision of the information security model is expanded and the feasibility of developing the concept of an integrated projective information security system based on the principle of duality is substantiated.

Practical value. The conducted analysis of the capabilities of artificial intelligence to ensure information security is the basis for developing the concept of an integrated projective system of information security based on the principle of duality, which consists in matching key nodes in the architecture of the world information space with points in the designed information space of the security system. Each such point corresponds to a certain analytical mechanism. The integrity of the system is ensured by connections between these mechanisms. Thus, we are moving away from a fragmented response to threats to a plastic security system based on the use of artificial intelligence.


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Skopik, F., Bonitz, A., Grantz, V., & Göhler, G. (2022). From scattered data to actionable knowledge: flexible cyber security reporting in the military domain. International Journal of Information Security, 21, 1323–1347.

National Cyber Security Index (NCSI) (n.d.). e-Governance Academy. URL:

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Ghioni, R., Taddeo, M., & Floridi, L. (2023). Open source intelligence and AI: a systematic review of the GELSI literature. AI & Society, 39, 1827–1842.

European Commission (2019). High-level expert group on artificial intelligence. Ethics guidelines for trustworthy АІ. Available at:

How to Cite

Dubovskyi, O. (2024). Information security: subjectivity and artificial intelligence. Journal of Innovations and Sustainability, 8(2), 09.


