The impact of enhancing performance management processes on technological innovation outputs: a field study in Laghouat cereals company
performance management processes, performance management systems, technological innovation outputs.Abstract
Purpose. In this field study, the author investigates the impact of enhancing performance management processes toward creating high-performance management systems and their impact on technological innovation outputs. The main purpose is to study the relationship between performance management processes and technological innovation outputs, assess specific processes’ impact, identify key factors for success, adapt processes for better support, analyse implementation challenges, and propose recommendations for improvement.
Results. Findings suggest that improvements in performance management processes positively influence technological innovation outputs, enhancing efficiency, creativity, and competitiveness in the cereal industry. The study contributes to understanding the role of performance management processes in fostering technological innovation and offers practical insights for companies seeking to optimise their technological innovation processes and outcomes. In addition, results ensure that clear goal setting in performance management aligns innovation with organisational objectives; reassuring innovative contributions motivates employees; training fosters skill development; organisational supportive cultures facilitate innovation; fair evaluations encourage participation; collaboration enhances creativity; and diversity enriches perspectives.
Scientific novelty. Performance management processes and systems play a critical role in fostering innovation by setting goals, providing feedback, identifying training needs, and aligning objectives, ultimately driving the development of technological innovations. We have conducted a quantitative study and collected data in a real-world setting through questionnaires, to explore the relationship between performance management processes and the level of technological innovation achieved by the company.
Practical value. The study can help practitioners determine the main focus areas in their performance management processes to reach the desired technological innovation outputs, as we found that performance management processes can positively impact technological innovation in a company, and more precisely, the goal setting process beside training and development. Therefore, concentrating on aligning innovation efforts with organisational objectives through clear goal-setting, and providing training and development opportunities to develop employees’ skills and knowledge leads to higher technological innovation rates in the company.
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