Effectiveness of digital influencers in promoting tourist destination
tourism, digital influencer, e-promotion, e-word of mouth, social media sites, tourist destination, Algeria.Abstract
Purpose. The aim of our study is to assess the prospects for tourism development and highlight the effectiveness of digital influencers as an e-promotional tool for tourist destinations in Algeria.
Results. Based on the results obtained in the study, we conclude that digital influencers in general and e-word of mouth and social media in particular are important in influencing the followers’ consumption decisions and increasing the travel intentions of Internet users. Furthermore, the study concludes with findings that the relevant ministries should ensure support to tourism content creators, because they provide details of tourism services in publications of professional photography and video making, such services constitute a kind of effective tourism promotion proposed as a solution to revitalise tourism in Algeria.
Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of this study lies in filling the gap in previous literature and contributing to the field of e-tourism and digital influencers, both theoretically and methodologically. Previous studies have only highlighted certain aspects of tourism and social media’s role in promoting tourism, but none have comprehensively explored the topic by examining and analysing Facebook pages of digital influencers, who publish tourism content and their role in promoting tourism destinations. Previous studies have explored this topic in a general sense, but none have focused on this specific aspect.
Practical value. The practical value of this research is that scientists, tourist accommodations facilities and state institutions, as well as all stakeholders involved in the tourism business, can use it. In addition, the results of the study can be used as a source and tool for the prosperity of the tourism sector in Algeria.
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