Impact of digital technologies on the level and quality of life of the population in Ukraine
digital technologies, human capital, quality of life, household income, household expenses.Abstract
Purpose. The purpose of this study is to determine the degree of influence of the level of Internet access of households in large cities and rural areas on the amount of their monetary income and consumer spending.
Results. It is emphasised that today an ever-growing proportion of the population generates its income by using the Internet not only to search for information, but also as a means of social communication and additional or main income. The study is based on the hypothesis that the level of Internet access has both an influence and is largely determined by the level of household income and expenses. The statistical basis of the study was data from a sample survey of the lives of households in large cities and rural areas, presented by the State Statistics Service of Ukraine in 2021. The impact of the Internet access factor was assessed in terms of households living in rural areas and in large cities. It was established that households in large cities had an average income of 20.2 % more in 2021 than in rural areas. It is statistically proven that connecting to the Internet gives respondents additional opportunities to receive higher incomes and, accordingly, to have a higher level of expenses. The smallest difference in the level of expenses was found in the item of expenses for health care, and the largest was in expenses for education.
Scientific novelty. The novelty of the study is due to the statistical determination of the impact of Internet access of the population of Ukraine on a set of indicators reflecting both the level of income and the level of expenses of the population in rural areas and in large cities. In the research process, the following methods were used: monographic, analytical, economic and statistical.
Practical value. The value of the study is due to the growing influence of digital technologies on the level and quality of life of households in Ukraine. It is concluded that the state should facilitate Internet connection to households that do not have it for various reasons. The obtained results are the basis for future scientific discussions. Prospects for further research may be related to the assessment of the impact of digital technologies on the formation of the level of wages in different categories of the population in different territories.
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