Sustainable linguistic strategies for enhancing learner resilience and motivation in crisis contexts




academic discourse, communicative situation, crisis-related discourse, language, resilience, rhetoric, stylistic devices.


Purpose. The research aims at outlining strategies for enhancing learner resilience and motivation during humanitarian crises and thus contributing to the development of resilient education systems.

Results. This paper reviews current research on resilience, examining the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russian-Ukrainian war on education, and offering strategies for adapting to online learning. The paper argues that integrating resilience-focused language and strategies into education is crucial for boosting learner motivation and emotional strength during crises and cultivating resilient education systems that sustain students through challenges and contribute to their long-term well-being and success. The research highlights that resilience results from both innate traits and deliberate educational design, which includes proactive institutional support. By analysing real-world initiatives, the study identifies effective strategies for developing resilience and motivation among students facing adverse circumstances. The paper is based on empirical evidence on the importance of resilience-focused language in motivating students to overcome difficulties, maintaining motivation and developing resilience. Results highlight the resilience-focused language that emphasises the significance of education, offers support, celebrates small achievements, promotes a growth mindset, and encourages perseverance.

Scientific novelty. This study integrates resilience research with practical educational applications during crises. It emphasises the role of resilience-related language in educational discourse and suggests linguistic strategies that are both effective in the long term and adaptable to changing conditions.

Practical value. The paper contains practical recommendations for educators switching to online and blended learning models, as well as recommendations for building sustainable education systems. It underscores the need for educators to adapt to challenges and suggests that resilient practices will lay a foundation for sustainable development by equipping students with the skills and emotional strength needed to succeed in post-conflict scenarios.



How to Cite

Fedoriv, Y., Pirozhenko, I., & Shuhai, A. (2024). Sustainable linguistic strategies for enhancing learner resilience and motivation in crisis contexts. Journal of Innovations and Sustainability, 8(4), 04.


