Study on the needs of continuing vocational training for social workers in Bulgaria


  • Preslava Dimitrova Vasil Levski National Military University – Veliko Tarnovo



continuing training, vocational training, social worker, labor market


The occupation of the social worker in modern times is challenged by the dynamically changing economic and social environment, growing requirements to their qulifications and competences and the needs of gaining new skills and permanen development and improvement. The aim of the presented study of defining the needs for continuing vocational training of specialists providing social services is to provide recommendations regarding the need of training for skills contributing to the increase in the degree of correspondence between labor supply and demand on the labor market, contributing to the improvement of the quality of the labor force in the country as a competitive factor with an increasing importance for successful economic development. The investigation and the specific examples discussed can be a solid basis for future studies and development of models for improvement the system of continuing and vocational training for acquiring the needed knowledge, skills and competences for effective work.


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How to Cite

Dimitrova, P. (2017). Study on the needs of continuing vocational training for social workers in Bulgaria. Journal of Innovations and Sustainability, 3(2), 9–29.


