Business loan mechanism through agricultural receipts
agricultural receipts, crediting, financing, agricultural production, agricultural products, pledgeAbstract
Purpose. The purpose of the publication was to study the mechanism of lending to agricultural production in Ukraine through agricultural receipts.
Results. According to the results of the study, the need to find alternative mechanisms for financial support of agricultural producers in Ukraine is substantiated. Based on the analysis of the experience of lending to agricultural enterprises in Brazil, it is recommended to spread the experience of using the mechanism of agricultural receipts in agriculture of Ukraine. The author analyzes the main advantages and risks of using this lending mechanism, examines the features of the use of commodity and financial agricultural receipts. The article analyzes the draft amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On Agrarian Receipts", which are being considered by Parliament, which are aimed at expanding access to capital markets, both foreign and, potentially, Ukrainian. It is concluded that agricultural receipts are usually a more convenient and profitable alternative to bank lending for agricultural producers, and this financing instrument will help to overcome the systemic crisis in the field of agricultural production.
Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the study is to develop a classification of the main types of business models for the use of agricultural receipts.
Practical value. The optimized algorithm of using agricultural receipts in the legislative field of Ukraine proposed in the article is of practical value.
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