Ecological-and-economic foundations for sustainable land management




sustainable land management, resource-saving land use, land consumption, soil degradation losses


Purpose. The purpose of the work is to provide the ecological-and-economic substantiation of the factors of formation and improvement of the resource-saving land use in the regions of Ukraine.

Results. There is a high direct correlation between land consumption (land capacity) in agriculture and land consumption in the economy; moderate direct relationship between land consumption in agriculture and specific damage from the loss of humus per unit of gross regional product; moderate direct relationship between the level of plowing and the total environmental-and-economic damage from the loss of humus; weak direct relationship between the level of plowing and the specific damage from the loss of humus per unit of gross agricultural output. It was found that the variation of land capacity of the economy by 67.5% depended on the variation of land consumption in agriculture. As a result of approbation of the developed regression model, the predicted specific damage from the loss of humus per unit of gross agricultural output was calculated using the example of Zaporizhia and Kharkiv regions. A quantitative assessment was made of the dependence of the specific damage from the loss of humus per unit of gross regional product on the productivity of land use and environmental-and-economic assessment of the balance of humus. As a result of the clustering carried out, 24 regions of Ukraine are combined into five clusters, each of which is characterized by similar parameters of resource-saving land use, which made it possible to determine the main reserves for improving the resource-saving land use for each cluster.

Scientific novelty. The provisions regarding sustainable land management based on the environmental-and-economic regulation of its resource-saving land use have been further developed. For the first time, the quantitative impact of some factors of land use on the indicators of its resource-saving was established, and a cluster analysis of resource-saving land use in the regions of Ukraine was carried out, which made it possible to determine priority areas for its improvement in the future.

Practical value. The results of correlation and cluster analysis, regression modeling and forecasting of resource-saving land use indicators on the example of some regions of Ukraine can be used both for scientific purposes and for the formation of a system of sustainable land management at the regional level.


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How to Cite

Kucher, L., Honcharova, A., & Kalinova, D. (2021). Ecological-and-economic foundations for sustainable land management. Journal of Innovations and Sustainability, 5(1), 05.



Economic sciences