Strategy of economic adaptation of the tourist-and-recreational sphere of Ukraine to the international tourist market




tourism sphere, international tourism, adaptation, vector of development, tourist market


Purpose. The article analyzes the theoretical and applied aspects of the limiting problems of full-scale and effective entry of the tourist and recreational sphere of Ukraine into the system of international tourism.

Results. The beginning of the institutionalization of modern tourism as an industry coincided with a severe crisis situation both in itself and in the country. This means that tourism will emerge from the crisis against the background of the development and development of a strategic model of industry management, including the creation of a number of regulatory mechanisms and methodological tools for management.The distinction between “recreational” and “tourist” will allow to determine the priorities of the state in the national policy for the future, to take into account the specifics of domestic recreational infrastructure and the mentality of our recreational demand: in Ukraine and abroad the bulk are vacationers, and only a small part – tourists who move in space for pleasure and knowledge.Hence, the main focus in Ukraine's tourism policy has been and remains the focus on the recreation. This circumstance explains the weak development of domestic and foreign tourism, the lack of appropriate infrastructure and unobtrusive tourist service in our country, the dominance of flows from the CIS. Socio-geographical vectors of adaptation of the country's tourism business in the world market of tourist services are identified and characterized.

Scientific novelty. The methodical and organizational scheme of construction of the target program of restructuring of tourist and recreational sphere of Ukraine on the basis of realization of the adaptive vectors stated in articleis offered.

Practical value. The ways of the decision at the state and regional levels of problems limiting real and effective advancement of domestic tourist product to the international tourism system are determined.


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How to Cite

Khudaverdiyeva, V., Merchanskyi, V., Chuiko, N., & Voronkova, A. (2022). Strategy of economic adaptation of the tourist-and-recreational sphere of Ukraine to the international tourist market. Journal of Innovations and Sustainability, 6(2), 02.



Economic sciences