Initiation of the establishment of a technology business incubator at university for agripreneurship (study case at Bengkulu University, Indonesia)
university, technology, support, innovations.Abstract
Purpose. This paper aims to analyze aspects related to the establishment of business incubators at Bengkulu University as well as what factors are most expected by students towards the establishment of technology business incubators at this university.
Results. The results of data collection were processed using the partial least square method to analyze aspects related to the establishment of business incubators at Bengkulu University as well as factors are most expected by students towards the formation of technology business incubators at this university. This research show that support variables were found had a significant effect on the initiation of the Technology Business Incubator at Bengkulu University. Support is providing research and business development assistance and access to technology used for students in agripreneurship. Support is the latent variable requested by five manifest variables: (1) access partnership programs from the ministry, (2) professional network access, (3) technology access, (4) access international relations, and (5) job creation.
Scientific novelty. Support variables were found had a significant effect on the initiation of the Technology Business Incubator at Bengkulu University. This research explains a lot about the novelty of the type of establishment of pilot incubators in universities in poor areas.
Practical value. The results are useful in initiating the creation of a business incubator that meets the requirements. The results of this study can be used as a reference in establishing a business incubator at the university level. It is important to ensure access to funding, to professional services, to technology, to international relations, and an understanding of the importance of creating jobs.
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