Statistical analysis and forecasting of forest resources status on the example of Lviv and Kharkiv oblasts




analysis, forecasting, forest resources, forest products, destruction of forest plantations, reforestation, Ukraine.


Purpose. The purpose of research is to determine the prospects for the development of forest use based on statistical analysis of the dynamics of key indicators during 2015–2020 and forecasting the state of forest resources on the example of Lviv and Kharkiv regions.

Results. This study analyzed the trends and current state of forest resources in Lviv and Kharkiv regions; statistical assessment and analysis of the interaction of society with forest resources during 2015–2020 was carried out. The analysis was carried out in terms of felling area, forest plantations, reforestation, the number of forest fires and the sale of forest products. Proposals for improving the condition of forest resources in the analyzed regions are presented. It has been established that the sustainable reproduction and ecologization of forest management is more inherent in the Lviv region than in the Kharkov region. In the Kharkiv region the forest cover is more than half that in the Lviv region; and given that there is a critically high number of forest fires, and insignificant forest formation, it can be concluded that the state of forest resources in the Kharkiv region is critical.

Scientific novelty. A comparative analysis of trends, current state and prospects for the development of forest resources in two border regions of different parts of Ukraine (western – Lviv region and eastern – Kharkiv region) was carried out. It has been established that, in general, during the studied period, the forests of the Kharkiv region were in critical condition compared to the forests of the Lviv region.

Practical value. The results of the study can be used to develop measures that are primarily needed by the Kharkiv region, which, according to calculations, suffers more from negative factors. At the same time, the results of forecasting the development of forest use can be useful for the forestry and hunting departments of both regions in determining the prospects for development.


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How to Cite

Korotetska, E., Kochetyha, D., & Kashkabash, D. (2022). Statistical analysis and forecasting of forest resources status on the example of Lviv and Kharkiv oblasts. Journal of Innovations and Sustainability, 6(2), 05.


