Opportunities for the insurance business in Bulgaria in the context of green economy





insurance, renewable energy sources, risks, insurance products.


Purpose. The paper aims to test the potential for insurance companies to participate in renewable energy projects (at the stage of investment, implementation and operation), which are the basis of the concept of green economy and sustainable development. In insurance activities, these projects are perceived as new business opportunities, which requires identifying, specifying and systematising the existing risks to which projects related to renewable energy sources are exposed.

Results. The insurance business has the potential to simultaneously participate and play a key role in the processes related to the design and subsequent operation of renewable energy sources. In order to take responsibility, insurance companies need to have detailed and reliable information on both the risks and the risk circumstances for the insured objects. The results achieved in this study are related to the identification of risk groups and the specific risks to which renewable energy projects are exposed, as well as which of them may receive coverage under the insurance activity.

Scientific novelty. In the present study, an option is proposed for the application of different insurances, in the insurance market in Bulgaria, based on the risks covered by the insurance policy (all-risk insurance policies, policies with broad, partial or limited coverage), according to current research on the insurance market for the risks to which renewable energy sources projects are exposed.

Practical value. The classification of insurance products can be done according to different criteria – depending on the type of renewable energy source, the number of insured objects, the term of the insurance contract, etc. The differentiation of the insurances is carried out and presented in tabular form, based on the risks included in the insurance coverage. Four categories are outlined risk insurance products (for the insurance market in Bulgaria): 1) all-risk insurance products; 2) broad coverage insurance products; 3) partial coverage insurance products and 4) limited coverage insurance products.


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Kirillova, N., Pukala, R., & Janowicz-Lomott, M. (2021). Insurance Programs in the Renewable Energy Sources Projects. Energies, 14(20), 6802. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14206802.

Pukala, R., Kirillova, N., & Dorozhkin, A. (2021). Insurance Instruments in Estimating the Cost Energy Assets with Renewable Energy Sources. Energies, 14(12), 3672. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14123672.

Meyer, B. D. (1995). Lessons from the U.S. Unemployment Insurance Experiments. Journal of Economic Literature, 33(1), 91–131. Available at: https://www.jstor.org/stable/2728911.


How to Cite

Ninova, V. (2022). Opportunities for the insurance business in Bulgaria in the context of green economy. Journal of Innovations and Sustainability, 6(2), 07. https://doi.org/10.51599/is.2022.06.02.07



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